Global Cheese Knives

A global cheese knife is a type of kitchen knife that is specifically designed for cutting cheese. It has a short, broad blade with a slightly rounded tip, and its size and shape are similar to that of a paring knife. The main difference between a global cheese knife and other types of knives is that the former has serrations on its blade, which helps to prevent the cheese from sticking to it and also makes it easier to create thin, even slices.

Global cheese knives are the perfect way to enjoy your favorite cheeses. Whether you’re a fan of cheddar, brie, or something else entirely, these knives will help you get the perfect slice every time. With a variety of sizes and styles to choose from, you can find the perfect knife for any occasion.

From casual get-togethers to elegant dinner parties, Global cheese knives will make sure your cheese is always perfectly sliced.

Best Cheese Knife in 2021 – Knife For Cutting Cheese Reviews & Guide!

Cheese Knives

When it comes to cheese, there are a few different types of knives that can be used to achieve the perfect slice. Here is a guide to the different types of cheese knives and how they can be used: The first type of cheese knife is the straight-edged knife.

This knife is designed for hard cheeses and can be used to create thin, even slices. To use this knife, simply place the cheese on the cutting board and use a sawing motion to create your desired slice thickness. The second type of cheese knife is known as the serrated edge knife.

This type of knife is ideal for softer cheeses, as it will help prevent crumbling. To use this knife, simply hold the cheese in one hand and saw back-and-forth with the serrated blade until you have achieved your desired slice thickness. The third type of cheese knife is called the pronged fork.

This tool is typically only used for very soft cheeses, as it helps to keep them from sticking to the blade while slicing. To use this fork, hold the cheese in one hand and insert the tines into the top of the cheese block. Gently push down and pull towards you to create long, thin slices of cheese.

No matter what type of cheese you are looking to slice, there is a specificknife designed for the job! Be sure to select the right tool before getting started so that you can create beautiful (and delicious) results every time.

Global Cheese Knives
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Who Made Global Knives?

Global knives were first manufactured in 1985 by the Japanese company Yamahoto. The company was founded in 1948 and is based in Niigata, Japan. Yamahoto is a leading manufacturer of high-quality kitchen knives and other cutlery products.

Global knives are made from CROMOVA 18 stainless steel, which is specially formulated for the manufacture of quality kitchen knives. The steel is hardened to Rockwell C56-58, which gives the blades exceptional strength and durability. Global knives have a unique blade design that is thinner and sharper than traditional Western-style kitchen knives.

The handles are made from durable polypropylene and are ergonomically designed for comfort and safety.

What Type of Knife is Best for Cheese?

When it comes to cheese knives, there are a few different types that can be used, depending on the type of cheese being cut. For harder cheeses like cheddar or Parmesan, a sharp knife with a point is ideal for slicing through the cheese. A blunt knife can also be used for these types of cheeses, but it will require more pressure to cut through them.

Softer cheeses like Brie or Camembert are best cut with a knife that has a blunt edge. This will help to prevent the cheese from crumbling and ensure that you get nice, even slices.

What is the Best Knife to Cut Hard Cheese?

When it comes to cutting hard cheese, you need a knife that is both sharp and strong. A dull knife will not only make the job harder, but can also be dangerous. The best type of knife for this task is a serrated knife.

The saw-like teeth on the blade will help to grip the cheese as you cut, making it easier to get nice clean slices. Just be sure to use a gentle sawing motion so that you don’t damage the cheese or your fingers!

Why are My Global Knives Rusting?

If you’re noticing your Global knives are rusting, don’t panic! This is a common issue that can be easily fixed. There are a few reasons why Global knives may rust.

First, if the knives are not dried properly after washing, they can develop rust spots. Second, if the knives are stored in a damp environment, they can also develop rust. Finally, if the knives are not made of stainless steel, they will be more prone to rusting.

The good news is that all of these issues can be easily fixed! Simply make sure to dry your knives thoroughly after washing them and store them in a dry place. If your knives are not stainless steel, consider wiping them down with a bit of mineral oil before storing them; this will help prevent rusting.

If your Global knives have already developed some rust spots, don’t worry! These can usually be removed with a bit of elbow grease and a rusty knife cleaning solution (like Bar Keepers Friend). Simply soak the affected area in the solution for 10-15 minutes, then scrub it with a sponge or brush until the rust comes off.

Rinse well and dry thoroughly. With just a little bit of care and attention, you can keep your Global knives looking and performing like new – no matter how often you use them!


There are many different types of cheese knives, but some are better suited for different types of cheese. For example, a softer cheese like Brie will need a knife with a serrated blade in order to slice it without squishing the cheese. A harder cheese like Parmesan can be cut with a straight-edged knife.

And if you’re cutting a sticky cheese like Gruyere, you’ll need a knife with holes in the blade to prevent the cheese from sticking. No matter what type of cheese you’re cutting, it’s important to use the right Cheese Knife for the job. Using the wrong type of knife can make it difficult to get clean slices and can even damage the Cheese.

So, before you start slicing up that next wheel of brie, take a look at this guide to find out which Cheese Knife is best for your needs!

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Shin Odaka

Japanese Knives is written by Shin Odaka, a professional chef with over ten years of experience. Shin is a master of Japanese knife skills, and his blog details how anyone can use Japanese knives to improve their cooking experience. introduces knives and explains how they are used so the reader can find the best knife for their needs. This blog also teaches how to properly choose a good knife and store it. It includes information on choosing the right types of knives, prep tools, and cutting boards. Shin also explains how to sharpen your knives and what foods and ingredients are best sliced with a Japanese knife.

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